Himanshu’s Healing Journey to Kedarkantha: A Timeless Trek with Thrillophilia

Himanshu’s Healing Journey to Kedarkantha:  A Timeless Trek with Thrillophilia

The world looks peaceful from Kedarkantha Peak. Yes! You can see only continuous ranges of snow-capped peaks standing tall against the azure blue sky.

The morning we ascended to the summit, I had pushed myself beyond my limits. Walking the trail demanded immense physical and mental strength. Even the last few days have been so hectic and strenuous, that my body was almost giving up. But when you have that zeal in your heart, anything is possible.

I seldom think that the body is just the machine and the mind is the CPU. What the mind tells, the body does. The same applies to any kind of reaction or trauma, and sometimes we can't even realise that our mind and body have reacted in a certain manner until the event is over.

To, the First Push
I recall the days before I decided to go for this trek- I had suffered a great loss in my personal life, due to which I felt like I hit rock bottom. I was unable to function properly, I knew I had work to complete but somehow I could not make up my mind or lift up my body to do it. It was much later that I realised that it was my response to the event.

But the funny part is, I never imagined myself to get this affected. I never thought that a certain event in my life could demotivate me to such an extent. And I was determined to get out of this zone, to change this, to take the leash of my life into my own hands.

The first step to making this change, as I thought, would be to go for a trek. And so I did, with some of my friends.

I had taken up this trek to challenge myself, to prove to myself that I am much beyond what I think of myself to be.

The World from up Above
It looked stunning. It felt better.

I was standing there, at the Kedarkantha Peak, and I only wanted to keep going forward, cringing at the thought of returning.

There were two reasons for this- one, I did not want to return to the mundane life back in the city. I was escaping reality. Two, I knew I would be a different person after my return, and so I wished to cherish the last few moments of being this version of myself for a bit longer.

For a moment, I was lost in thought, recalling the ice-covered winding roads that we had crossed, all the alpine jungles that we traversed, and the lakes we crossed. On the way, we would stall for a bit to admire the showering snowflakes from the droopy leaves of pine trees. And in the camp stay at Juda ka Talab, we spent countless hours singing and dancing over a bottle of Old Monk, leaving behind all the worries of the world.

Liberating Escapes
This was a trip that took me far away from the noises of reality. Its remote location ensured that I did not receive any notifications, and its timeless beauty gifted me with breathtaking scenery that kept me from glancing at the phone every now and then.

It just made me realise one thing- forget about all the petty issues and focus on what life is all about- this precise moment.

Coming to the other face of the trip, the calmness and the silence filled the air and spoke of resilience and power. The puffs and huffs let out by the trekkers while walking were the only sound heard while ascending, sometimes along with the chirping of some birds, or the barks of the dogs who accompanied us.

And the campsite was equally lively. People clinking cups, sharing jokes, and laughing over some incident on the journey.

The nights were calm again, with just the crackling of the bonfire and the flute-like sound of the blowing wind.

And the sky, my god…the sky!

Day or night, it was a show-stopper. The nights were greeted with sparkling stars, and the daylight played with the floating cotton-ball-like clouds. It is true that finding comfort in the lap of nature can heal you to a great extent. It can make you understand the importance and the purpose of living. It also teaches that all the mishaps are just a mere part and parcel of life and that it goes on, regardless.

Perhaps harsh, but that is what keeps us going. The continuity.

Back to the beginning, but with a new start
Thrillophilia’s trekking expeditions are quite well-known in the country. Their reasonable prices and full coverage made them a convenient option for me to choose. I did not have to worry about any travel arrangements. All I had to do was just go to Delhi, and from there everything was included in the package- stays, transfers, food, trek guides, all of it.

I even found their consultation to be on point. The trek leaders were knowledgeable and friendly, and they even suggested the perfect layering of clothes to survive the biting cold weather in the peak of winter.

I was quite satisfied with the services, and probably that is why I could enjoy my trip and do what I had come to do- reflect, change, and start anew.

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